Horrible Gelatinous Blog

The paranoid ramblings of Nova Invicta.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Nombre Six

Cursed duress! At the behest of my teacher I must analyze a topic posted in the Snitz Forums, and so in one last gesture of petty defiance I state that I am doing this against my will!

The topic that I have been so unfairly compelled to write about is, at my choice, the one of Males or Females, a remarkably sexist one and one that I would have enjoyed picking to pieces with my Sword of Moderating had it not been so all-encompassingly vast, incorporating no less than ten pages of ignorance. As such, I found it unworthy of my time to trawl through so many pages of bad netiquette and general carelessness to delete individual posts.

Note: Now that I read through it in the interests of research, I find that I have been perhaps too harsh in my judgement of the posts, as there seem to be many people on the forums that are of the opinion that both sexes are equally able and important. Forgive me. Or not, either way is cool with me.

Though I am usually loth to personally victimise those who start and support such topics, by the terms laid upon me by the great Whiteboard of Schoolwork, I must state that the starter of said topic was one "tjone110". Another of those cursed terms requires me to give information about "interesting" posts, and I can indulge in some seldom-seen brevity if I simply say that all the "interesting" posts were the sexist ones.

Continuing my disturbing trend towards "blog-shortness", I agreed with the pro-equality posts and disagreed with the sexist ones. The issues that arose were mostly derivatives of the core issue, and the one that started the thread, the "male vs female" issue, though there were some personal attacks as well. The thread kept more or less on track, forasmuch as they were still arguing about the same thing at both the start and the finish of the topic...

Use of netiquette was at the level I have come to expect from a student-run forum, that is, nil.

In conclusion, though I was surprised at the maturity most students showed with regards to such a sensitive topic, the topic was, overall, still worthy of deletion.

I now announce, with much regret, that this will be my last official blog post, though I may continue over the holidays. *sobs brokenly*

Until never, I take my leave.


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