Horrible Gelatinous Blog

The paranoid ramblings of Nova Invicta.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Nombre Deux

Perhaps now it is time to furnish you, my humble subjects, with some information about myself. Or I could just remain compellingly mysterious, and force you to slowly uncover my identity by deciphering a series of fiendish clues...

After much thought, deliberation and also fasting for some reason, I have decided at length to be known, as before, as Nova Invicta, a 14 year-old with a vaguely disturbing interest in computer games. As to why exactly the interest is disturbing, well, that, my friend, is forever beyond the knowledge of mortal men...

I take an Information Technology class, just because I feel like it, and we are currently investigating online communities, hence this blog. We're also somehow investigating some murders, but that's beside the point. Unless, of course, I was to move the point. Hmm... this gives me an interesting idea. Namely, how far off topic can I get in this blog before my teacher starts looking for some pointy footwear on which to mount my seditious head?

Getting back to the point, if there is indeed a point to all this blessed madness, we're looking at online communities in INT, mostly forums and message boards, though the difference between the two still escapes even my towering intellect. Our work so far seems to consist of looking at forums, and then defining the word "forum". Stimulating stuff, you must agree. Ah, how I long for days past, when my day was filled with Visual Basic code and making fun of my sister's poor programming skills, as well as the poor programming skills of anyone else who would listen. I'm so modest and awesome. Until tomorrow, I take my leave.


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